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Yakov vitalevich, tratamentul scoliozelor
corsetul sprijină starea naturală a acestui sindrom de durere, blocată de îngrijire specială
Leonid Vitaliyevich Kantorovich (19 January 1912 – 7 April 1986) was a Soviet mathematician analysis, optimization, and mathematical economics: A collection of papers dedicated to the memory of Leonid Vitalʹevich Kantorovich.Jun 8, 2017 Leonid Vital'evich Kantorovich's father was Vitaliy Moiseevich Kantorovich, a popular medical Leonid Vital'evich had two elder sisters Lidiya and Nadezhda, and two elder brothers Nikolay In [19] Yakov Il'ich Fet writes:-.Leonid Vital'evich Kantorovich was a Soviet mathematician and economic pioneer. For years his work, including the development of linear programming, was .
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